Don’t be fooled. Expectations are not always great. Too often, especially for moms, expectations are a trap.
The first chapter of my book is called Great Expectations because the possibilities I envisioned were great and wonderful ones. Now, motherhood is great and wonderful, but there’s an awful lot of the reality of motherhood that is NOT easy and, let’s face it, not really wonderful.
It’s so much harder than you ever thought it would be. (This is probably a good thing. If we knew what we were getting into before we got into it, the human race would probably be significantly smaller.)
Most of us enter motherhood with expectations about our baby’s gender or health or temperament. I saw some of my expectations come crashing down pretty quickly when Boy #1 had colic. He was not what I expected. (Note: He’s a joy now – has made up for it over and again!)
And there’s the multiple boy thing – I really did think I’d have a girl somewhere along the way! Just a smattering of pink, please. But no.
What about birth experiences? How many of us planned to go natural only to wake up with a baby and an incision to heal from?
Whether we’re boy moms or girl moms, our experiences meld together at some point, don’t they? We all share expectations for and about our children. This chapter talks about how to deal with expectations – how to escape their trap and replace expectations with trust.
Curious about chapter two? Be sure to check back next Wednesday for a preview of The Magnet Syndrone (aka Sibling Rivalry).
This is a very effective preview, because it makes me want to read more. :) The book sounds great!
I think your book looks great, Laura - a must read for me (just 2 boys though!).
As for expectations...I have a bit of a problem with too-high expectations followed by the big crash! The first days and weeks of motherhood were like that...it was so, so much harder than I ever imagined -- what a reality check!
I'm a first time mother of a one year old and it really was hard at times. I'm excited about your book. And my sister is pregnant with baby boy# 3. She was hoping for the pink too. :)
Now I'm intrigued! You're so right about those expectations, and I'm praying that they meld into trust. Looking forward to hearing about sibling rivalry :)
PS I used to think the snake should stay put too. I think his love of the creature has given me a softer side for them ;) (just a little)
I love your comment, a "smattering of pink" - LOL! After my two boys, I got a smattering of pink. And oh how I was smattered. ;-) My boys are the most well-behaved, wonderful little gentlemen you'd ever meet, and my little gal? A wild, fiesty little thing and you'd better not get in her way - HA! Your blog looks great; can't wait to peek at more...
Happy Wednesday!
Those expectations are trouble! They helped make for a really first year after Sweet'ums was born because nothing went the way we expected. We soon learned to relax and let things take their own course as much as we can, especially where she's concerned.
I'm really looking forward to your book coming out!
Well, written, all so true. Love the baby pic. :)
This is great! I know this information will be very helpful to many women!!
Can't wait for the finished product and the baby is beautiful.
Can't wait to read your book, Laura! It sounds great!
Oh, the expectations that come with little ones. And it even continues as they get older. Thank goodness God made us flexible people, able to change and grow.
Oh my gosh! That's way exciting...your first book!
Love the cover and can't wait to read it!
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