My family has been so supportive and encouraging throughout this whole process. No one in the family “proofed” however, so the contents of the book are news to most of them.
Several of my sons are reading the book now, a chapter now and then in the middle of college and other things. Apparently my oldest read chapter 2 the other day – “The Magnet Syndrome (aka Sibling Rivalry)”.
One of my hints for equalizing sibling rivalry is to give everyone a chance to lead at something. You can replace sibling rivalry with a sense of leadership and accomplishment when everyone has a chance to lead. Even if the basketball goal is too high for the youngest, find something he excels at and get everyone involved.
In chapter 2, I make the statement, “To this day, our youngest has a Monopoly strategy that puts the others under the table. They complain, but it’s great to see him beat the brother who’s nine years older!”
Out of the blue the other day, I got a text from the brother who’s nine years older. It read simply:
Page 37. He doesn’t have a “strategy” – it’s called cheating. You need to call a spade a spade, Mom. :-)
I had to laugh. Especially since this is rooted in the topic of the very chapter he was reading about – sibling rivalry!
It wasn’t really a firestorm ... more like a tempest in a teapot, but it made me laugh!

Even in a family of one boy and two girls, sibling rivalry is alive and well.... arrggghhhhh!!!
I so appreciate your idea of allowing each to have their own area of leadership.
So cute!
hahahahaha! Funny to see the reactions. :O)
That's hilarious. I love it.
Great suggestion! I know my mom used to stand behind my brother when we played go fish b/c he would cheat!! :)
lol...You KNEW they would have comments.. so funny!
He definitely cheats! No doubt about it, Mom.
Oh that made me laugh, too. I love what a great, warm relationship you have with your sons.
Call it whatever you want but, it gets the job done!
I can't believe this -- sibling rivalry spills over into my blog!
Three out of four left comments. Oh, my...
I really can't wait to read it! I am planning to next week while I have some airplane time. One of the greatest things about writing a personal book is sharing it with family. This is so special for your kids.
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