It’s time to recount the week’s blessings. Thanks to Susanne of Living to Tell the Story for hosting this blessing-fest each week. If you’d like to join in, visit Susanne.
Here are my faves this week:
1. A hint of Fall in the air! I know a lot of you have been talking about Fall for weeks, but we have finally gotten a taste of it in S. Florida. It may just be a taste, mind you, but I’m relishing it while I can! Cool morning and evening air, a little breeze…it’s great!
2. Friends to talk to. I’ve had occasion to “vent” a little this week, and thank goodness for friends I can vent to! Sometimes you just have to get it out, and having a friend who sifts through it all and listens is golden.
3. Anticipation. I just sense times are a-changin’ a bit for us. Nothing sure yet, but I think change is on the horizon. And that’s good. We all love routine, but I don’t ever want life to become “same old, same old.” You know? The thought of change can be scary, but a bit exciting, too.
4. Book stuff. Once again, a sweet bloggy friend has featured my book. Susan DiMickele is the greatest, and I love her book, Chasing Superwoman. We’ve formed something of a mutual admiration society, and she has a nice post about my book on her blog. Go see her! Also, my publisher has arranged a blog tour for my book starting next week, so that should be fun.
5. This quote: “I have held many things in my hands and have lost them all, but whatever I have placed in God’s hands, I still possess.” - Martin Luther
My writer friend, Jean Wise, posted this on her blog last week. When I read it, my mother’s heart went immediately to my children. I was reminded of a conversation my husband and I had not long ago about how our sons have never been really ours – how our children are gifted to us for a short time, but they really belong to the Father. Another one of life’s beautiful paradoxes – whatever I give up to Him, still rests lightly in my open hand.
Sweet grandson Aiden is always a fave, but I probably overdid it on pictures last week…so I’ll spare you this time!
Hope you have a great week ahead. Happy Friday, Happy Fall!

I love your quote it is so right.
Our Fall is late as well and it is always nice to hear of your favourite time of year over and over again. Oh, ya if you read my blog this week you can see just how much I truly am aware of what a sit means, lol have a great weekend
Wonderful! Agreed, Laura, time spent with a good friend to vent, laugh, cry is nourishment for the soul.
Love the quote-- a timely reminder for me. :)
Enjoy your weekend!
That quote is awesome....I just love me a good quote! I may use this to point out a concept we're discussing in my small group...and...I am promoting your book! Moms are interested so....a huge hug and thanks to you for writing it :)
Enjoy your taste of autumn weather....have a happy weekend
Is there such a thing as too many baby pictures? I didn't think so!
I'm with you about friends. I don't know what I'd do without mine.
How exciting about the upcoming blog tour! That's great news!
I always love your Friday Faves. And congratulations on the blog book tour -- that should be fun, and good exposure, too!
That Martin Luther - he was such a smart man!
Congratulations on that new Grandbaby! I missed it last week and had to run down your blog and take a look! What a doll! MY little man is coming in December - or possibly early January - but probably December - right around Christmas! I can not WAIT to hold a newborn baby again! Especially a grandson I ALREADY love with all my heart!
By the way - I am buying your book today - for a friend of mine who is raising 3 boys by herself. I'm sure you have plenty of nuggets of wisdom for her!
What a great list of faves!
By the way, I finished your book and LOVED it! I'd be more than happy to do a post as well!
Happy Friday and happy fall!
How true about venting sometimes. I think a moderate dose is healthy. Reading about what's going on with your book is fun. And maybe I should start placing more stuff in God's hands. That should be less complicated. Happy Friday!
That quote is wonderful and so true! I need to practice leaving it in God's hands after I place it there. I have a horrible habit of trying to grab it back at times which never bodes well.
I am so appreciative of having a friend I can vent to who like you said sifts through all the junk and listens.
Loved #3. Your attitude to change is wonderful. So many times we can get in a rut simply because we are afraid of change.
I love that quote...
Happy Friday :)
Wonderful quote, Laura. And it sounds like you had a good week with the nice weather and good friend time.
What would we do without friends to vent to?
A very good quote! And a wonderful reminder.
You could never overdo on grandboy pictures for me! Love baby pics :)
Hope you have a blessed weekend!
Ah, change! One of my favorite things. Sometimes it's fun to stir things up just to create the potential for change. Hope what you are sensing is a "great" change in the air.
Thanks for mentioning my blog. You are so right about true friends. being able to vent, say whatever is bothering us with full acceptance and love is priceless.
Great ones, again, Laura! You can't overdo grandbaby long as I can show you mine! :P
I love that quote by Luther!
Having a friend to vent to is one of God's greatest blessings.
Change is scary but also exciting. In some ways I crave change ... but not in everything.
We had first hints of fall this week, and now it seems like the signs of it are accelerating all over.
Friends who will listen to you vent are precious.
We had those feelings of possible change summer a year ago -- and now we're in a different state! Change can be hard -- and scary -- but good.
Oh my that quote sure does apply to children. Four of our five are grown and gone and next year the youngest will be off to college.
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