As a mom, you dispense advise, comforting words, words that you hope are wise. It always nice to hear them echoed.
One of my sons shared yesterday that he had shared one of my "momisms" with someone close to him. "Like my mom says," he shared, "don't borrow trouble."
I laughed when he told me. "Well, it's true!" I reminded him. "Today has enough trouble of its own. No need to borrow from tomorrow. Face that one when it happens."
The neat thing about it is this "momism" came from my mom, and likely hers before her.
A sweet, simple pleasure. Remembered words, passed down over the generations.

Linking up today with Dayle for Simple Pleasures.
I loved this! Kids are so cute, especially when they are mimicking our better traits. LOL! As for "borrowing trouble," I think there's even a Scripture to back up that momism. Gotta love it!
It's a wonderful thing when your kids dole your own advice. If my kids have ever quoted me, they sure haven't owned up to it. Have a blessed day. Tammy
I think momism are a glue between generations. Our family still laughs and often obeys wisdom MY mom said to me and it is so cool to hear our kids repeat them once again.
kids :>)
never heard this before and it's true...kids repeat what we say....
Laura - Thanks so much for visiting me over at The Writer's Reverie! I am blessed to visit with you and have to laugh at your "outnumbered-ness" by little boys. Bless you - a fair task, indeed! I loved your Simple Pleasure post today - I am big into words - and love the heritage of your "momisms". HOpe to be visiting again!
Miss Kathy
My grandmother used to tell us that "worrying was only borrowing trouble".
Hi Laura,
It's funny when you hear yourself saying things your parents said. I do this often...Now my kids tell their kids things I have said. What goes 'round, comes 'round...
God Bless
Barb from Australia
What a delight. A son who listens!
Blessings, Debbie
Hi Laura,
Isn't that just a delight when you hear your child repeat something you told them.............
and so neat that it is wisdom passed down from Mom to child over and over!
Very neat indeed!
Love it!!
Yes, you will love Jesus calling, it is such an encouraging lil book,
may be small but it is power packed, they also have them for children, I have seen them online, but not looked at one up close and personal.
Nice to meet you............
and thanks for stopping by to see me.
blessings, Nellie
I hear myself saying things my mother used to say, I like it. Your son must pay attention to what you say and that's always nice to know.
This is wonderful! I remember once hearing my daughter quote me to a friend in the back seat of the car.
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