Here are my favorites from this week:
1. A job. It’s no small thing these days to have a job and be thankful for it. And I am. I do love teaching, I love teenagers, and I love my colleagues. It’s been hard to leave lazy mornings and my writing and reading time, but I’m thankful I have a job that I love to return to. My classroom is almost ready and kids come on Monday!
2. Time with my husband. Actually, this week it was time without him that made me realize I was missing one of my favorites! He worked 3 evenings in a row and I was at school during the day. It was so great having him at the dinner table and on the couch with me on Thursday.
3. New stuff / changes. I’ll be teaching a new curriculum in one of my classes this year, and that means gearing up for a couple of new works—reading, studying, and planning. New stuff to discover!
4. First weeks / last weeks. My teacher son has enjoyed his first days in his own classroom this week, and hearing reports from him has been so much fun. And last weeks? Well, my youngest will be returning to college soon, so we’re enjoying his last weeks with us.
5. This quote on friendship:
“The most beautiful discovery that true friends can make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.” (Elizabeth Foley)
Do you have one of those friends that you rarely see…but when you do, it’s like you’ve been together forever? I’ve renewed one of those friendships this week as a friend has returned to teaching after several years off. And I heard from my college roommate who I see once a year if I’m lucky, and it’s the same. Just like we spent all day yesterday together. We pick up right where we left off. What a blessing!
Hope your week ahead is filled with newness and friends!

welcome back to school! I still have a few weeks left of summer vacation...and one week from today we move our princess into Gordon!! wow..
how exciting to reconnect with old friends...I my self am hoping to have a lunch date from a dear friend and sister in Christ who will be up here from TN visiting her NY family...and it will be like you said..we see each other once a year, if that, but it's like we've never been apart....enjoy your weekend and good luck on your first day back to the classroom!
You're right: these days it is no small thing to have a job. I'm glad you like yours - I, too, am blessed with an amazing job that is just right for me!
Hope you have a great year!
So great to have a job you love! It's nice when teachers are still excited about the classroom and abut learning new things.
It's rough when hubby has to work evenings -- glad you got some time together!
Since we've moved, most of my closest friends are away from us, but it is such a joy to get together. Glad you were able to renew a friendship!
Enjoy your last weekend of summer. Praying you have a good start to your school year.
I love your list, Laura. Your love for teaching shines through. How fortunate for your students! They're blessed!
Lifelong friendships are priceless indeed.
One thing I have learned especially from Clella is to appreciate the time we have been given with these hubbies of ours.
loved ones: ones we marry and one we befriend = happiness and I am grateful for that.
Laura, I like these blessings. I love the quote, too.
Wow, you start back on Monday? We haven't even gone on holidays yet. My girl would be sorely distressed to be starting back already! LOL.
A new curriculum sounds exciting. Something fresh to liven it up.
I love that friendship quote!
I am thankful for my job as well and tonight even more so find out in my list of 5 at http://shopannies.blogspot.com
School on Monday?! I'm sure you're sorry to leave your relaxing summer schedule, but it's great that you are excited for the next season, new materials, too.
What a lovely quote. Those friends are a treasure.
it's been hard for me to give up those mornings, too. i've felt homesick some while i've been at school. and we've had SO many meetings, that i am ready to get some students so i can do what i love. ours come on tuesday. can't wait!
It feels like it was just the end of school! I remember when I was young, and summer felt like it lasted forever. Now they fly by in a flash! I am glad you have a job you love. Our district had some pretty big cuts this year.
I'm looking forward to hearing about your son's firsts - how lucky he has you to talk to!
I hope you enjoy the new curriculum. I was just looking over some of the new things I have lined up for this year. I think it'll be a good one.
I hope you and your youngest get to have some fun together before he heads back to school - and that your husband doesn't have to work many more evenings!
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