Today, my Attitude of Gratitude offering focuses on Things I Feel.
I’m thankful I can feel:
1. Florida fall. I do miss those crisp, cold November mornings in the north, but lately we’ve had some cool weather and nice breezes.
2. New sheets. We just got some, and they feel so nice!
3. My husband’s big hand in mine. I love holding hands with my man, and he has these big, strong, protective hands.
4. My grandson Aiden. Come Thanksgiving, I will be SO glad to feel him in my arms, to read to him in my lap, to tousle that sweet head.
5. Joy. I’m so glad I can feel joy. Joy isn’t based on circumstance or how the day is going—it’s that underlying, ever-present contentment that comes when my heart is close to His.
What are you grateful that you can feel today?

Linking up with Jen at Finding Heaven Today for Soli deo Gloria. Click on over and come along with us!
Hi friend! It was so good to read your voice on my blog the other day. Thanks for stopping by. I've had my head buried in the sand (writing!), but I miss my SDG friends and think of you often. Blessings on you and yours, Jenny
Love your list, Laura. I know your arms and your heart will be very thankful holding Aiden. and new sheets? what fun!
Oh, I think I'm asking for new sheets for Christmas! (and thanks for your sweet SDG comment)
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