I’ve always been fascinated by the story of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea. The thought of walking between two walls of water in the dark of night, with an army on your heels…my heart pounds to think of it! I read a psalm the other day that reminded me how nothing takes God by surprise.
“Your road led through the sea, Your pathway through the mighty waters— A pathway no one knew was there!” (Psalm 77:19)
But He knew. They didn’t just ford the waters. He led them down a road, a pathway. A prepared place.
No matter where you step today, He has been there. The road, the path, is prepared.
Usually, I’d prefer a bridge, a boat—a known way of crossing those waters. But where would my faith lie then? In my idea, my solution. In me.
When water is ahead, darkness presses in, and an army pursues, I can forge ahead knowing He has prepared the way. I won’t be lifted out of those churning waters, but I’ll tread a path of His choosing, with His presence alongside.
“Praise the Lord; Praise God our savior! For each day He carries us in His arms.” (Psalm 68:19)

Joining Laura, Jen, and Michelle with words from the heart.
Usually, I’d prefer a bridge, a boat—a known way of crossing those waters. But where would my faith lie then? In my idea, my solution. In me.
I'm taking your words with me and pondering them. They speak to my life situation. Thank you.
Oh, this is so good, Laura. What a great verse! Sometimes I need reminded that the easiest way is not always the best way. Thank you for being that reminder tonight!
I always choose the safe way, when I can. :) But God has been so faithful in the crazy times, too.
I know your family is experiencing this on a daily basis.
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