Powerful Love

Friday September 21, 2012

I’m hearing hints of fall on blogs and Facebook, even though we’re not seeing it in South Florida. It’ll be a while for us. I do miss a Midwestern fall… (I just had to post a picture of lovely leaves to remind myself.)

I’m linking up with Susanne at Living to Tell the Story to recount this week’s blessings. Why don’t you join us?

My favorites this week:

1. A fun week. Upcoming, that is. Yes, it’s Homecoming at our school next week, and it’ll be crazy but fun. Dress Up days, Spirit Night, pep rally. It’ll be a challenge to keep them focused on classwork, but it’s still a fun week.

2. Writing. Oh, I’m not doing as much as I want to right now…but I’m working on creating the script for our annual Madrigal Dinner. It’s fun and funny and the kids are so excited about it, too.

3. Classes. I think I said last week that the classes I’m taking are great, and I just have to say it again!

4. Some upcoming surprises. My hubby is planning something again this fall…and I’m hoping to get clues. I do think it involves some travel. Love those surprises.

5. A quote: “We must bless without wanting to manipulate. Without insisting that everything be straightened out right now. Without insisting that our truth be known. This means simply turning whoever it is we need to bless over to God, knowing that God’s powerful love will do what our own feeble love or lack of it won’t.” (Madeleine L’Engle)

Oh, this is hard…but so, so true. And I’m working on letting His powerful love take over.

Wishing you powerful love this week,


Barbara H. said...

My kids always loved Homecoming Week (or Spirit Week as it was called in one school that didn't do Homecoming). They never had a Dress-up day, though -- I like that one. They did have Twin Day, Camo Day, and Nerd Day. Fun!

I'd love to see/hear one of your Madrigal dinner productions some time.

Great quote. Only God's powerful love can truly change someone and minister to them in the ways needed.

Annette Whipple said...

As a former teacher, I love to hear that you love your class...repeatedly!

Jerralea said...

Homecoming Week is a big deal at my daughter's school as well. It is always so fun to see what they come up with each year. Our homecoming is centered around basketball so it will be after Christmas before it is celebrated.

Glad you are having a good week!

Faith said...

letting His Powerful Love take over....mmm....LOVE that!! awesome faves and Yay for Homecoming Weeks and surprises from a loving husband! ENJOY your weekend, Laura!!

Karen said...

Homecoming week was always my favorite. The fall season made it all the more so.

I love the quote. It's so timely -- funny how that happens isn't it?

Have a great weekend, Laura!

Jean Wise said...

Love the quote and your list!

Gattina said...

I don't know what a "Homecoming at school" means, but I suppose it's the first day of the school after school holidays. That's always a big event here too !

Susanne said...

What a good quote! Your hubby sure likes to surprise you. How fun! We don't have homecoming here but it sounds like fun.

nikkipolani said...

Great quote, Laura. I just saw another fantastic M.E. quote this week. I think I should track down the book these came from :-) Glad your week has gone well even without fall showing up (it's not here, either).

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